Monday, February 15, 2010

met with trainer

Well today we met with our new trainer! She is from BYU and her name is Chan'tel. I think I am spelling her name wrong. We were put on different machines and tested to see how in shape we were. I am not. So I have a long road ahead of me for improvement. Tracie and another very nice lady from the hospital were there also to supervise and encourage us. I felt like a movie star with all the fabulous attention and treatment I was receiving. It is incredible how concerned and how serious our trainers and the hospital staff are taking this. I hope I don't disappoint them! I am trying to be very careful in what I eat. I have discovered over the last few days that I am a big emotional eater. I catch myself all the time wanting to just take a bite here and take a bite there. I am working hard to nip that nasty habit in the bud. Well now its time to go get on the treadmill! OH we have decieded to call our team Tickled PINK Bonnie

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a very successful meeting with your trainer. That makes even more excited to meet with ours. :-) Good luck to you and having a name is a great idea.
