Had a great workout with Shantell last night. She is the best! Exercise improvement continues to go slowly but I am seeing improvement. Shantell is patient with me and I am glad. I think she must be secretly in shock by how out of shape I truly am.
Our trainers really help us alot. I love working with our trainer. Glad you had a good workout!! I wanted to tell you that I think you have a beautiful face. Your bone structure is wonderful and last week when we were seated in an open seating arrangement in class it was hard for me not to keep looking at you. Sounds weird, I know, but I was just thinking how beautiful you are. :-)
I am Bonnie Morrow. I am very excited to be in the 100 day heart challenge. My partner is my favorite friend--MY MOM! I have two darling girls and a wonderful husband who are very supportive of me doing this "project." I always see "make over" challenges on TV and have dreamed that one day something like that could happen to me....WELL here is my chance! I have heard it said that women go into their 40's young and come out of their 40's old. I have felt discouraged that no matter how hard I diet and exercise I can only manage to maintain my current weight. My skin is sagging and my glow is gone. I am ready to fight to the finish.
Our trainers really help us alot. I love working with our trainer. Glad you had a good workout!! I wanted to tell you that I think you have a beautiful face. Your bone structure is wonderful and last week when we were seated in an open seating arrangement in class it was hard for me not to keep looking at you. Sounds weird, I know, but I was just thinking how beautiful you are. :-)